Focuses on developing the whole child: spiritually, academically, athletically, creatively and socially.
Spiritually – PSA students will be bold and courageous in their faith. They will desire to share and defend their Christian beliefs and are committed to serving others in His name.
Academically – PSA students are independent learners with exemplary critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They are college-ready and value life-long learning with a biblical worldview.
Athletically – PSA students understand that athletics exists for them to glorify God by utilizing their athletic abilities.
Creatively – PSA students discover and develop their unique God-given talents, and then leverage them in impactful ways to bring glory to Him.
Socially – PSA students exhibit confidence and see themselves the way Christ sees them. This confidence projects to the people in their sphere of influence, as they lead and serve others in their personal life, community, and around the world.